What To Expect Post V Steam

Some may experience increased vaginal lubrication & enhanced sexual pleasure.

You may notice more moisture immediately or shortly after a steam. This is due to the radiant warmth of the far-infrared heat, which penetrates deeply into the muscles and tissues of the vagina which elicits vigorous sweating and increases oxygen flow and circulation to remove impurities, and harmful toxins such as cholesterol and heavy metals-much like with a normal sauna treatment. The sweat seepage restores and tonifies the mucous membranes in the vagina, which increases fluid pressure in the tissue of the vagina, resulting in the release of vaginal mucosa (secretions) which can enhance sexual pleasure or orgasmic sensation.

Some may experience improved vaginal tightness.

Certain herbs used in our V Steam blends offer natural benefits to vaginal health and rejuvenation. Herbs such as Mint Leaves are effective in tightening the vaginal walls, and Aloe Vera which is a clinically proven remedy for tightening a loose vagina for its astringent properties. Some women experience a significant difference in sensitivity and tightness following a V Steam, resulting in heightened sexual pleasure.

*Ask About our Madonna Herbal Blend

Some may experience a possible change in vaginal discharge.

The possibility of temporary discoloration or change in consistency of vaginal discharge can occur from the release and clearing of stagnation and toxins from the uterus. This is a natural reaction due to cellular debris, tissue overgrowth, and pathogenic factors being drawn out and cleared away by the circulatory systems. Discoloration of discharge may take up to two weeks to dissipate.

Some may experience light cramping.

Sometimes when introducing new herbal remedies to the body you may experience a “healing crisis” or “rebound-phase”, whereas you feel pain before the healing as the body returns to a natural homeostasis “state of normal health” in rare instances where this is the case, clients have early onset of menses as the menstrual cycle prepares to reset and regulate itself. Old residue, like large clots, can cause cramping as they loosen and release. The uterus is helping by contracting and trying to push the matter out. If you experience cramping after steaming this is a sign that old residue has naturally debrided. 

*Tip: Avoid cold and frozen foods, iced beverages and cold weather. Drink warm beverages, eat warm soup, use a heating pad, get adequate rest, take a hot shower and stretch or exercise to stimulate blood circulation. You may also sit over the open toilet using a warm sits-bath using any of our vaginal steam herbs to help the old residue flow out, use organic cotton pads or menstrual cups instead of tampons, try self-applied abdominal womb massages lying on your back with a hot towel compress.

Some may experience mild skin irritation.   

Excess mucus seepage can make the vagina, vulva, and mucosa folds (vaginal rugae) itchy or inflamed especially if it has bad bacteria, yeast or an infection living in it. As this mucous is released it may cause temporary itchiness or discomfort. 

* Tip: It is recommended that you keep the  external vaginal area very clean and dry, so the bacterial microbes don’t multiply.

Additionally, consider wearing loose fit clothing and 100% cotton underwear in this case. You can also help to drain the excess mucous by using a peri-bottle, or hand-held shower to rinse the area clean which helps to prevent irritation. This is useful directly after steaming and also until your next V Steam session.  

Some may experience the urge/tendency to dispel wind for a short period.

This occurs due to the warmth of the steam resolving bloating and excess water retention caused by poor diet, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, digestive troubles and more.

Some may experience induced menses.

Rarely, a steam may encourage light spotting or bring down your period earlier than expected. Depending on the blood-color range this may indicate one of two things; Dark spotting- that the uterus is releasing old indurated menstrual residue or light pinkish, red spotting- that the steam has promoted flow of blood circulation and the uterus is resetting itself for a healthy natural cycle. This is especially important for women with irregular menstrual periods, or dysmenorrhea. 

*If you are prone to intermittent spotting, bleeding or excessively heavy flow (menorrhagia) please mention that before your treatment or during intake, to ensure your practitioner can set you up on a safe, mild steam using gentle herbs.

Some may be more susceptible to pregnancy.

Due to the nature of the process of getting a V Steam, the warmth of the far infrared heat in combination with wet-steam and particular herbs infused into your steam, the uterus is assisted with getting a full cleanse and releasing any blockage or pathological accumulations in the vaginal canal. Besides releasing blockage, the steam may also increase secretions from the mucous glands within the cervix, which provides an alkaline, fertile environment in the vaginal canal that is favorable to the survival of sperm. Once a healthy uterus is achieved and blood flow in the perineal area is increased- it is likely that you pregnancy may occur, as this is an optimal environment for successful implantation.

Cleanse Care Tips

Excessive or Prolonged Bleeding

If your period is fresh blood (not brown old residue) and has continued for an inordinate amount of time (10 days or longer) then this is no longer your menstrual period and you are bleeding excessively due to uterine fatigue.

Additionally, there is a safe over-the-counter herbal supplement that can be used as first aid to stop or slow excessive bleeding. They are 100% safe and have no side effects or interactions with other medicines. You can find Yunnan Baiyao at a Traditional Chinese Herbal Pharmacy or online from certain retailers.

Both bed rest and ‘Yunnan Baiyao’ supplements are recommended and should reduce or resolve the bleeding almost instantaneously. 

Excessive or Irregular Vaginal Mucosa

Steaming consecutive days is a cleanse that drains out all of the excess mucus in the uterus and there can be a lot more in the vagina than you expect. If after a steam you get excess or irregular mucus, characterized by a thick clumpy texture, strange color, or unpleasant odor coming out all of a sudden that is a good thing. This means that bacterial mucus was living in the uterus and now it is being released.

Excess and irregular mucus can make the vagina, vulva, cervix and uterus itchy or inflamed, especially when it has bad bacteria, yeast or a virus living in it. As it comes out it might be uncomfortable. Consider these instructions for proper Post-V Steam cleanse care.

Perineal Rinse and Sitz Bath:

After steaming do a thorough rinse of the perineal area with a cold-soaked ACV towel to rid of bacteria. Note: do NOT use hot water, as heat only inhibits bacteria to thrive. Next a vaginal rinse with a peri-bottle containing sterile, cool water and lastly, sit over a soothing sits bath (using The V Spa Deep Cleansing Blend) for at least 20 min.

Additionally, consider using a bidet or hand-held shower after to rinse the area to help keep the mucus off the skin 2-3x daily within your regular hygienic practice. This is useful directly after vaginal steaming and also until your next steam session. You can also add additional steam sessions (2x per week) which helps it to drain faster. If you keep up the cleanse you will get all of the excess irregular vaginal mucosa out.

*It is the warmth of the steam that helps to pull out the excess mucus not necessarily the herbs. Similar to when you take a hot shower and it clears nasal congestion by loosening mucous and helping it to drain out. It's the same with vaginal steaming. Whichever herbal blend is most suited to your overall menstrual cycle can be used for this treatment. 

Hemorrhoids, Wounds, Open Tears, Fissures

Normally a sits bath or perineal rinse is done to remedy pain, inflammation, or discomfort associated with Hemorrhoids, open wounds, or tears at the pudendum site Povidone Iodine, which has known antibacterial properties. Sits Baths are designed to help hemorrhoids, fissures, piles, and as a postpartum bath soak, you can even add 2-3 tablespoons of any of our range of V Steam Herbal Blends to your sits bath soak for added benefits.

Adding table salt, vinegar, or baking soda to the water can also create epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) which is well known for its healing properties for specifically relieving hemorrhoids.


Sometimes old menstrual residue, like blood clots, can cause cramping or slight pain as they become loose and slough out of the uterus and vaginal canal. If you experience cramping after vaginal steaming this signifies that old occluded residue has become loose due to the warmth and moisture of the steam and is finally being released. The uterus is helping by making mini-contractions aka “cramps” and trying to push it out.

Avoid frozen food, iced beverages and cold weather. Drink warm fluids, eat warm foods, such as herbal tea and vegetable soups and use a heating pad, rest, take hot showers, herbal bath soaks. You may seek Mayan Abdominal Womb Massage or Acupuncture for immediate attention or self applied womb massage and even stretches and squats to bring circulation to the womb area. You can also sit over a warm sits bath to help the old residue easily flow out. We recommend that you use a cloth or organic cotton pad instead of bleached tampons.